Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Teething Hurts!

So it's finally happening. . .Jane is getting her first tooth!!!! We have been waiting for this for 11 months and now I'm not so sure we are ready. Just kidding. We are ready, I just feel bad for her. . .her little mouth hurts so bad that if you even touch her head, she starts crying. Sad. With a little help from my friend Infant Tylenol she feels better. I hope that little tooth will just pop up already and stop causing such a fuss. Speaking of Jane's mouth, she has found her voice this week. The girl will not stop jabbering!!! It's so stinkin' fun to listen to her. (unless she's unhappy and using her voice, then it's not so fun.)


shay said...

I always felt so bad for them when teething! Poor little Jane babe! Good luck! We love little teeth!

Steve P. said...

While you feel so bad for the little one, seeing a toothy grin is the best! Here's to hoping it gets easier with each one!

Amylee said...

I believe in Tylenol. I don't even want to know how many bottles we have gone through. Good news is- the first two teeth are the worst.