Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jane's 1st Day of Preschool

Today was Jane's first day of Preschool! I can't believe my baby is that old!!! She was so excited to go--when we went to the open house last week, she screamed and threw a holy fit when it was time to leave yelling, "TAKE ME BACK!!!!" She was happy that I took her today and dropped her off. Of course when I picked her up, I asked her all about it. She said, "I'll tell dad". "Can't you tell me?" I asked. ""No, I'll tell dad first and then you." Don't worry, I still got it out of her :) She had a great first day and can't wait to go back! We are so proud of our little student!


Amylee said...

Welcome to the first day OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
PS- I hear some people don't go to school for their entire lives, but I'm not so sure that is true.

Erin said...

I can't believe they are old enough for pre-school, but I love the free time. I'm so glad she like it!

Cher said...

ha ha, i'll tell dad. loved it.
glad she loves preschool.

Britney said...

So glad she likes it!! That's so cute she wanted to tell her daddy first. Tyson is that way too. He won't hardly let me look at him if Joe's around. We need to get together sometime!!