I finally gave in and read the book Twilight. I had heard from every single female in my life that it was the best book EVER. I got through it in 2 days and it was a fast read. However, and don't judge me, but it wasn't my favorite. I'll be interested to see the movie and see if that does anything for me. Maybe it was my mood while reading it, maybe it was all the hype and I felt let down, I don't know. Your thoughts. . . ?
I agree with you. It is a good book, full of school-girl romance and some action (both kinds), however, it wasn't my favorite either. I like many a book more than Twilight. To quote Johnny Depp from the movie Chocolate, "good, but not my favorite." YUM!
Tyler says "Happy Birthday to Jane." It's a fun thought to know that next year, for both of their birthdays, they can come to each other's parties.
You haven't met Jacob Black yet. Read the next one. That's all I have to say about that.
Totally with you on this! I mean, I love the book but let's face it--I'm Kalie. I love every book. :) I think it's always better to discover something on your own, and even though I am a major Stephenie Meyer fan, it's more because of who she is and what she's done than it is the people in her books. I am excited for the movie, though, and we'll have to chat more then.
Oh I'm so glad to hear that somebody else didn't like it too! Everyone told me it was so amazing and wonderful and they couldn't put it down, etc., etc., and I COULD NOT get into it! I hate fantasy anyway but everyone said I'd like it, but nope....totally not my style. I got 3/4 of the way through it and realized there was too much good stuff out there to read!
I must admit I am disappointed with you not liking that book. If you remember that I hate to read and I LOVED those books and I mean LOVED!!! But I didn’t get that much hype when I read them…..so that might have something to do with it.
It was soooooooooo good to see you on Saturday. Here is my blog. lastdayofapril.blogspot.com. Let me know what you think.
I wasn't a big fan either. I liked the second and third books a little better, but I just don't get all the hype.
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