Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ok, so I'm done with the series now (except for the book that hasn't come out yet obviously) and New Moon is still my favorite and I think it's because I'm a Jacob fan. . .I want Bella to end up with Jacob because I think that he's the best for her. However, I think that might be impossible considering that she has to become a vampire or the Volturi will kill her! Oh and the fact that she goes into the depths of despair whenever Edward is gone. I am really interested in reading Breaking Dawn and I hope it ties up everything.

I spent all last week reading so this week has been catch up week. I don't mind, though. A good book is worth it! A big thanks to Trent and Jane for dealing with the slug on the couch.


kalie said...

I love that you are a reading slug. :) And to answer your Rolando comment, here's his most priceless comment all year. "Mrs. C, I learned that high school is really hard. You have to raise your hand if you want to talk!" (In ALL Sincerity!)

A said...

Sweet! Another Jacob fan, there are very few of us... I like your term reading slug, its even less active than a book worm, and its probably a more accurate term.

alisquire said...

That's my favorite too. I'm also a Jacob fan (even though most people think I'm crazy!). Their relationship seems way healthier than Bella's & Edward's.

Amylee said...

YES. I couldn't be more proud. Team Jacob definately added a new member.

Tiff-E said...

Yahoo! Another Jacob fan! Alison and I have both dealt with adversity for that choice! Ha! I just want her to be able to have kids and keep her life and be warm and happy. She can't have any of that with Edward. But I know, there's no way she can't, stupid Volturi...opposition in all things, right! Isn't it funny how into it you get...

Erin said...

I never could like Jacob more than a friend. I'm proud that you have given into peer pressure and read the books! We'll have to have a Breaking Dawn reading party since I'll be there the first week of August.